
© 金沢大学 子どものこころの発達研究センター





From September 17-24, I was in Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. I delivered two lectures in Biochemistry to under graduate students in the medical course, and one workshop with young researchers or graduate students


September 21, 2019, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, there held the 8th Russian-Japanese Forum of Rectors on Universities, Society and the Future of Mankind. The summary of the meeting was to promote interaction between universities on two countries not only for the both countries but also for to all world. I attended to the meeting withProfessors Samlina (vice rector) and Lopatina of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. I met there President of Kanazawa University, Professor Yamazaki.


The day before the Rectors forum, there was a reception in the Embassy of Japan in Moscow (We enjoyed extremely good wine and Sushi). There I know that there are 8 plans for cooperation between Japan and Russia. The first aim is to level up Russian medical environment for prolongation of the healthy life span of Russians. For this purpose, we already started the Training Program for Russia-Japan Innovative Leaders of Tomorrow (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University is the key unit in Russian side) under the support of Monbusho (Ministry of Education). The exchange of students and researchers are dramatically increased. (Though it is unnecessary addition, we had a long history of exchange with Krasnoyarsk State Medical University for more than 25 years, to aim exactly the same purport.)

  • 学生講義
  • 学長代理のプロトポポフ教授との会談後
  • 在モスクワ日本大使館にてサルミナ教授と
  • 在モスクワ日本大使館にてサルミナ教授と
  • 大使館でのレセプションで山崎学長と
  • 第8回日露学長フォーラム
  • フォーラムに参加するサルミナ教授
  • 若手研究者、大学院生とのワークショップ

