The Research Center for Child Mental Development at Kanazawa University started a decade ago. At the beginning of the next decade, this research center was reorganized into three divisions: those for (i) basic science and translational research, (ii) clinical medicine and social implementation, and (iii) integration of art and science and local community support for children’s mental health care. For the historical aspects of this research center, a preface by Professor Yoshio Minabe is detailed and informative.

The main pursuits of these divisions are (i) to elucidate molecular mechanisms for child mental and brain development and generate drugs that modulate social behaviors, (ii) to devise diagnostic system for autism spectrum disorders utilizing magnetoencephalography (MEG) and incorporate robots into caregiving, and (iii) to develop science-based supporting programs, educational materials, and teacher-training courses. We are participating in a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and collaborating with school teachers in local areas. We also hold communicative group sessions with autistic people with autism and their family members on a bi-monthly basis. These activities also serve as good opportunities for research and education of the United Graduate School of Child Development.

センター長写真 We hope that our research outcomes will contribute to the practice of medical care, education, and support for development. Obviously, cooperation among people with diverse backgrounds are indispensable for translational research and social implementation. We are welcome to any suggestions and advice and looking forward to your participation.

Prof.Shigeru Yokoyama
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連合大学院 子どもみんなプロジェクト センターオブイノベーションプログラム CREST